Celebrity Big Brother Round Four Recap and Power Rankings

CBS Celebrity Big Brother

The Celebrity Big Brother game moves faster than any other on TV, playing out in only three weeks. With this crew, it seems to go even faster, because the game can change on one bout of paranoia. When Meisha Tate won her second HOH of the game, it seemed like a done deal that Carson Kressley would be her target – and sure enough, she put him and his ally Cynthia on the block.

But many twists and turns awaited the Celebrity Big Brother houseguests this week, starting with the unexpected exit of eccentric fan-favorite Chris Kattan. The twitchy comedian had been struggling with physical and mental health issues the entire game, and simply chose to quit through the diary room one day. It’s probably for the best – he didn’t seem able to fully connect to the game and he seems to be doing better outside of it.

Toddrick Hall wanted to prove himself and be the one to personally end the game of his frenemy Carson, and he would get his chance in a tough veto competition. A popular challenge, the contestants had to rock a mechanical reindeer twenty times to reset the clock, then try to stack snowflakes. Several people surprisingly lost track of their clock and timed out, starting with Meisha, and that allowed Shanna to win her second veto in a row.

That’s where things went completely crazy, as the duo of Chris Kirkpatrick and Shanna decided they wanted to shake things up and keep Toddrick and Meisha from winning the game without opposition. They talked to Meisha and tried to get her to agree to put Todd up if they used the veto on Cynthia, hoping they could then rally the votes to take her out. But they surprised everyone by pulling Carson off instead, and Meisha surprised them right back by putting Chris on the block in his place.

From there, things got weird. The episode played out live and there was very little time for scheming, so there wasn’t much context to understand when Chris was voted out 5-0, with even his closest allies voting for him. Much like Mirai’s eviction, there were a lot of strange things around this vote. Chris had major conflicts with Mirai previously and Toddrick this week, with both getting into some very personal territory. I’m wondering if the guarded Kirkpatrick even particularly wanted to stay in the game. And so we’re down from two Chris Ks to zero in one episode.

But the game marches on, and a new Head of Household competition began. This was a Celebrity Big Brother twist on the classic wall endurance challenge, with the contestants being bombarded with items from their “Glam Squad” and both Carson and Toddrick fighting for their lives.

Spoilers for Sunday’s episode of Celebrity Big Brother Below









Celebrity Big Brother Round Five Head of Household – Carson Kressley

So the game’s biggest underdog pulled off a miracle! This week’s decisions will likely determine the outcome of the game.

Below, the power rankings for the next cycle of Celebrity Big Brother.

  1. Cynthia – No matter what nonsense goes on, she’s Carson’s ride-or-die and is making it to the F6.
  2. Lamar – The only person in the game who seems to be at the center of no drama at all.
  3. Shanna – She’s caused a lot of chaos and is on everyone’s radar as a threat, but I’d be shocked if she actually went this week.
  4. Toddrick – As much trouble as he’s caused Carson, they are friends outside of the show. I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s not even nominated.
  5. Todd – He’s an easy nomination, and a clear possible target if someone wins veto – especially after his bizarre fight with Cynthia.
  6. Meisha – She’s made herself a huge target, and now she likely has to win or go home.

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