What if Type O Negative Wrote “Master of Puppets”?

Earlier today, Type O Negative alum Sal Abruscato posted a link to this reinterpretation of the Metallica classic “Master of Puppets”. He shared his amazement at how close creator Denis Pauna resembles Peter Steele’s playing and vocal style in this version.

Sal writes “Hands down the closest I ever heard some one sing and play like Peter. This guys version of Metallica’s Master Of Puppets done in Type O Negative style is amazing.”

Denis plays close attention to detail, as he includes the common aesthetic elements that are synonymous with Type O Negative’s signature sound, including organ riffs, distorted bass, and low, drudge-like voicing and guitar harmony.

Denis’ YouTube Channel is filled with several versions and “what ifs” of tunes in various styles by many artists.

What do you think of of this version? Leave a comment below!

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Who We Are

Wanderings and Woolgathering is a group of friends discussing things under the entertainment umbrella with a focus on music past, present, and future.

We wander in that we peruse for new music. Some familiar artists are reviewed, some music we’ve never heard hits our ears.

We gather our findings and bring them to the table, then we discuss and review. Not only do we learn how each of us feel about the music, but we often wind up discovering new music as a result from our discussion. We make new friends, we reminisce to a time when music was found on a physical format purchased in a store.

We hope you will join us on the journey and share your thoughts and new music!