Spider-Man – Amazing, Spectacular and Superior Reviews

WebShooters- Spider-Man

The Spectacular Spider-Men 7 Creators: Writer- Greg Weisman, Pencils- Humberto Ramos, Colors- Edgar Delgado, Inks- Victor Olazaba, Letters- Joe Caramagna


Glenn: It’s a double date kinda sorta with Peter with Gwen Stacy (classic not Spider) setting up a date between Aunt May and George Stacy while Miles goes on a date with Ms. Marvel herself, Kamala Kahn.

Whaaa? Well it turns out this particular reader was right as some nefarious villains are offering people their dream lives! I’ve seen this type of story before and I think mostly it always works. I do always personally like to think that Peter doesn’t necessarily want to be with Gwen say over….Mary Jane, but he wants to live in a world where he didn’t fail to save her. Oh and also they have two kids. Not as cool as the Parker-Watson kids in Ultimate.

The Miles scenario is odder. From what I’ve been able to ascertain, he’s dating the Vulture’s granddaughter, Tiana. Wouldn’t his dream be involving…her? Well this got awkward.

Steve: The key to this book is the amazing storytelling in terms of handling the different moments in the timeline and getting them right so the story makes sense to the reader, moves the plot and ultimately has a payoff. This book does this in spades. I’m sorry to say that Glenn was right again. He called the mysterious, gamelike scenario our favorite heroes are stuck in. Kudos Glenn! I find this story refreshing in that Miles and Peter are stuck in a happy place. What will be the trigger that snaps them out of their reverie? They certainly won’t be looking to escape. With what has come so far, I have no doubt that Weisman has something special in story for us. I imagine that the oft maligned Vermin will play the hero here as they are seen in the backdrop keeping an eye on Miles and Peter. This story really stands out from the other Spider books.


Glenn: There’s some instances of weird eyes here that I usually don’t notice from Ramos art so I’m assuming its on purpose. The eyes just look very vacant/starey which does fit with the whole Stepford wives type vibe.

Must be nice for Ramos to be able to draw Kamala again given he drew her extensively in Champions! He does great work here as always. With Superior ending, he is the new person I will quickly run out of ways to say ‘Yeah, Ramos is great’ I’m afraid.

Steve: It’s Ramos. I love it. I really dig the two page spread with our heroes swinging through the city, Peter in the front and Miles right behind. The next page has five horizontal panels as they remove a man-hole cover and slip into the sewers. Really slick! Ramos also handles the emotional beats of the joy our heroes enjoy in this arcanium.


Glenn: Despite some minor quibbles, I’m a sucker for this type of thing and I think it works here effectively. We have some hints that our heroes are already fighting against this so let’s see how that progresses next issue! 4.5 Webshooters

Steve: Can’t wait to see where this goes. Hopefully, Weisman can keep the juggling going until the end. 4 Webshooters

Next time- Ultimate Spider-Man.

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