Spider-Man – Amazing, Spectacular and Superior Reviews

WebShooters- Spider-Man

Superior Spider-Man 7 Creators: Writer– Dan Slott, Pencils- Mark Bagley, Inks- John Dell and Andrew Hennessy, Colors– Edgar Delgado, Letters- Joe Caramagna


Glenn: It’s Superior Spider-Island with mostly everyone being infected with Spiders and Spider-Boy at the centre, This leaves pretty much only Spidey and Maria trying to figure out next steps. Without question, I think the best part of this is Otto speaking to himself through Bayley. It’s a fun little exchange you’d expect from an egomaniac like our favourite multi-armed sociopath.

Strong build towards our conclusion next month I think.

Steve: This is the most straight forward of the Spider titles. Peter and Anna Maria are trying to stop Otto, free Supernova and end the Otto Spider takeover of the city, including Spider-Boy. This is a classic penultimate issue as it puts all of our heroes and villains in place for the final show down. Not a lot to say about this one. It was good; next issue will tell us if Slott sticks the landing.


Glenn: I am running out of things to say about Bagley, I especially adore the emotion conveyed on Supernova’s face while she is captive in her little Crystal Dome prison. It’s Bagley, the arts great. He can draw lots of people too so good for him.

Steve: Bagley is great. PERIOD. There were pages here where he embraced his inner George Perez in terms of the sheer number of folks on the page. His work here is fantastic.


Glenn: Looking forward to the finale, this little arc has been great overall. Not Slott’s best but still very strong. 4 Webshooters

Steve: I have come around on this one. Near the beginning, I felt like this one was a waste and ultimately unnecessary. Slott has made this one fun and a relevant follow up to the previous run. 4 Webshooters

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