Beauty in Chaos is back with “Behind the Veil”

Beauty in Chaos, the lovechild of Michael Ciravolo, is back with their third studio album, fifth if you count remix records. This time, Ciravolo has chosen six powerful women to helm the microphone on Behind the Veil. Each woman is unique, bringing something entirely different than the others, yet all fit seamlessly on the record. Credit here to Ciravolo and Michael Rozon for creating music to match the muse while keeping the quintessential nuance that is Beauty in Chaos.


The first song is Afterlife, which features Tish Ciravolo on vocals. The wife of Michael, she is a musical powerhouse, playing bass on previous records, writing lyrics and singing my favorite song on this record. Afterlife is built around questions people ask when facing death or thinking about their own mortality. The short questions delivered in slow measured verses crawl around in your brain as the pacing allows the listener to ruminate and connect to the singer. The questions are interrupted by a cool synth breakdown that breaks the pace and signals a change in the singer. As Tish sings we are lead to her conclusion. Perhaps we don’t know what is in the Afterlife, but we can do what is important now: love more people and pray for the rest. Ths song is beautiful and a message that this world needs right now.

The Kiss of the World

The second track is The Kiss of the World featuring Elena Alice Fossi. I recently reviewed that one here.

Not Your fault

The third track on the record is Not Your Fault by Pinky Turzo. Turzo has the most distinctive voice on the record. At first, I was taken aback. It’s so different than the others Michael has invited on. However, after a few listens, I really gravitated to her sound. She sings the mellow verses, beautiful soaring choruses, and soft pre-breakdown whisper with equal passion. The lyrics tell of a person who desperately wants to help another ,but nearly gives up through the struggle. In the end, love wins out:

It’s not your fault

Just look into my eyes

Trust this love you see

It’s not your fault

That you were dealt this hand

Let me take it from you

Pinky Turzo was the perfect choice for this song. Again, Ciravolo’s choices are impeccable on these records.


The fourth track features Whitney Tai. This was an early release and I reviewed it here.

Open Wound Heart

The penultimate track is Open Wound Heart featuring Cinthya Hussey. As usual, the music is perfect for the song. The guitars drive the tone and mood. But for me, it’s the lyrics all day and twice on Sunday. I love poetry. I love word choice. I love cool word play. I love words that allow me to exist in a moment experienced by someone else. What a way to start a song!

Sunset sets her senses on fire

While Gods and Demons rally to conspire

Screaming scarlet scars

Howling unclad under the stars  

An incandescent soul

Plowing on glowing in an ice cold world  

The stage is set for what is outside of our control. The singer, or protagonist, is at the mercy of a cold world, the gods, or perhaps an unrequited love or love lost. Throughout her struggle, there is a sense of desperation here as: “With her desires undisclosed, she stares and blinks in morse code.” Who will come to her rescue? She is vulnerable and suffers from an Open Wound Heart. Maybe giving in to it all is the answer. Who knows? Eros may have something to say before it’s all said and done. Beautiful song with no clear answers and beautiful poetry.

Grasp the Stars

The final track on the record is Grasp the Stars featuring Betsy Martin. This song has the hardest edge of all the songs on the record. Ciravolo’s guitar is cutting and angry, and even offers a little tasty feedback. Conventional drums here are replaced with drum programming from Michael Rozon. Martin’s vocals are unconventional and work well above the harder edge presented here. She is raw and emotional, belting out the lyrics almost as if she is trying to convince herself that, “It’s not that bad, it’s not that hard- cool down, it’s not that bad.” This song exudes desperation both lyrically and musically. Great album closer.

With the third record, Behind the Veil, Ciravolo has done it again. His core team of Beauty in Chaos is able to switch out the parts over and over again and create new gems. As with the other albums, Ciravolo has invited some folks to create remixes. The remixes can be ordered as part of a 2 CD set. See what the buzz is all about. Go to and place your order now. Music ships on 2/22/22.

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