Amazing Spider-Man Creators: Writer – Zeb Wells, Artist – Todd Nauck, Pencils – Ed McGuinness, Letters – Joe Caramagna, Inks – Wade Von Grawbadger
Glenn: The character I feel sorry for the most in this run Is Ms. Marvel. She gets killed, brought back and then involved in this stupidity. I do find it funny that she’s kind of aware that this whole situation is beneath her and acts appropriately at times.
So the rag tag team of Ms. Marvel, Jonah, Curt Connors (with extra arm action) show up to confront Nomran along with RekRap. There’s a scene here where RekRap seemingly gets killed, and it’s probably a fakeout, but if it isn’t I will declare this the greatest Spider-Man comic of all time.
Anywho, there’s a lot of fighty fighty. Ms.Marvel gets her turn at the extra arms and then Spidey comes in with the sphere before he and Norman stumble down a hole. Next issue: The final showdown. Except the sins (ugh) leap back into Peter and Kraven shows up and says ‘Just let them stab it out’.
I’ve read worse, but not much. Very excited for this to finally be over and all this Goblin sin nonsense never mentioned again.
Steve: RekRap dead?!?!?!?!?! Say it ain’t so. Yeah, I don’t like RekRap, but not sure I wanted him to go out like Norman did in the 2002 Spider-Man movie- stabbed with the glider. Not sure what his purpose was if he simply showed up and got skewered. More throwing things against the wall to see what sticks, I guess.
As for the sins business, I didn’t like the Spencer storyline that started all this business and I certainly don’t like the passing around of “sins.” I can buy a lot of superhero non-sense- Superman singing to end Final Crisis, Superboy Prime punching the walls of reality, but I am tiring quickly of tossing “sins” around like a sack of potatoes. (no it’s not an Irish joke directed at Glenn:) Kraven is standing around like a spectator- seems highly out of character. Ms. Marvel is alive after the ridiculousness of issue 26, so I guess that’s good, but I’m not sure why she is even in this story. She’s been hanging around…..for what purpose? Maybe Ben will come out of this a little better than he was in Limbo. Arrrggghh, Glad the next issue is it. Time to move on.
Glenn: A lot of fighty, fighty means the art has a lot to do and as usual, it does it well. It seems like Nauck is helping McGuiness stay on schedule and they look similar enough at times that it really works. Both are doing a great job trying to make the story worth reading but….it isn’t.
Steve: There really isn’t much to say about the art that we haven’t already said. It’s great and carries this book. Can’t wait for both writers to get something really good to draw.
Glenn: There has been worse issues, I’ll be honest. This one was just kinda dumb instead of very dumb. Again, I just want this thing to be over. The art does so much to bring the quality up. 2 Webshooters
Steve: Time to move on – 1 Webshooter
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