Devah Quartet – Prometheus Pre-release Review

Maid of Orleans is a song about Joan of Arc. It’s the second longest song on the record coming in at 15 minutes long. It is delivered in three parts: I. Enduring Visions, II. The Tower, III. Apostate. Maid of Orleans is another progressive rock track. It has a solid through line, yet has interesting breaks and bridges throughout to tell this story. Maid of Orleans highlights the vocals of Sara Loera, singing as Joan of Arc. The verses are laid back and have a lighter tone with a soft almost whimsical lilt, but the chorus and bridge are more driving and sweeping in grandeur. Loera’s voice rides the larger moments like a surfboard. The song takes a somber turn in music during the Tower. The tempo slows as do the vocals. But only momentarily as the song picks back up in intensity as Joan readies for battle. McLellan produces some deep intensity with her cello, mimicking a bass. Drums join. The song becomes frantic, the vocals deepen as Loera sings about war. The tone has changed from the optimistic girl in the opening of the song. Idealism and faith are lost. And, as any good prog song does, music returns to a familiar groove from earlier. This song is beautiful and takes the listener on quite a journey, potentially a different version of the Joan of Arc you know. For me, this is the top track on the album.

The Power and the Glory is a four minute instrumental closing track. What I really enjoy about this one is that it really feels like a closer. The deep underlying, chugging of the cello and the higher violins seem to signify the end of the day. Of course, it wouldn’t be Devah without changing things up a bit. We get some beautiful pizzacato here and what sounds like similar to a slide whistle. Both nice additions for the crew. I love their willingness to change and branch out to incorporate more into their music.

Check back to Wanderings and Woolgathering for more reviews. As we say on the show, “What’s your score and will you listen again?”- Well, I’d give it a 4.5 out of 5 and yes, I will listen again!

Check here if you want to listen to Liza and me chat about Clockwork Angels.


A double album of music by Dévah Quartet featuring Sara Loera and David Michael Moote.

Produced by Tim Gennert and Liza McLellan.

Composed by Liza McLellan, with vocal composition by Sam McLellan and Liza McLellan.

Lyrics by Sam McLellan based on original stories by Andrew G. Watters, with additional contributions and research by Sam McLellan.

Recorded by Wayne Cochrane and Tim Gennert at Metalworks Studios. Additional recording on "Grain of Sand" by Gordon Hyland at The Dwayne Space.

Mixed by Tim Gennert and Liza McLellan.

Mastered by Tim Gennert.

Executive producer: Andrew G. Watters.

Special thanks: Sam McLellan and Gordon Hyland

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